Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Artist Research no. 1: Aaron Hobson

All images copyright Aaron Hobson. Digital C-Prints

I really dig this guy, Aaron Hobson. For starters, he has an awesome last name.. just has a really professional and talented ring to it.. Just kidding guys, I'm not related to this photographer or anything, and happened to stumble upon him while googling my website months ago. He creates these dizzying panorama-esque images that have a very cinematic feel to them. This is something I'd like to achieve with my series on cordyceps, almost as if they were film stills. Another reason I also feel influenced by his work is the constructed reality element. Each component in frame is carefully arranged to give clues to the narrative being told. Even the final layout has been considered, to further emphasize the "movie" theme, images are sized to be "widescreen" and include the thicker top and bottom black edges. I appreciate the thoughtfulness put into his images.

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