Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ideas, Concepts, and Frivolous Notions Floating in my Brain Juices

I am still wrapping my head around what I'd like to show the world this year. I have a few ideas that I think I will run with until they each eventually dead end. I met with a very timely Tom Condon today to throw some of these thoughts at him for exactly 20 minutes. Here they are:
1. Hospitality style expose on Can Can Brasserie.

  •  Becher Style architectural shots of the building itself, sans people: Lit by its own glowing yellow alabaster columns, HDR, i.e bread baking early morning in gigantic ovens, tables set and waiting, zinc bar backed with wine stacked to ceiling...
  • Action photos with a slow shutter speed of the kitchen alive with motion; food flipping, chef yelling, people scurrying with big pots
  • Clean, editorial food photographs of beautiful stylized plates of food, and drinks
2. Our Western ideals of suppressing any natural beauty
  • Tight, close, studio portraits of people as they are bikini waxed. Jill Greenberg style, california lighting, digitally captured.
  • Flashlight lit/ drawn pinhole images of indentions on skin made from thongs, push-up bras and undergarments, surrounded by dark, hazy backgrounds

This idea is quickly getting pushed lower as I found this amazing artist, Ariana Page Russell , who just kinda has a monopoly on the whole skin deal... She has dermatographia, a skin condition that makes her skin hyper sensitive,  it welts easily and rather painlessly, she photocopies her skin, cuts out  varying hues to create wallpaper patterns, draws, and stencils on herself.. yeah I know as long as you can do it better it's okay to appropriate... I   just don't think  I can do it better.

3. CORDYCEPS!!!!!!
  • Judging by Tom's excited response, this idea is the clear winner... Cordyceps are a crazzzzzzzyyy fungi. The Fungi's mycelial filaments spread through soft tissue of it's hosts, but not vital muscles for movement or the nervous system, not yet. Depending on the species being attacked the fungi then controls the creature's movements to climb high above it's own colony, confuses it's sensory abilities and forces it to commit suicide into water, or even emit light in front of prey by bioluminescence, all these reactions allow the fungi to spread, either by exploding fungi spores out the creature and raining down upon it's colony members, being eaten by prey that the fungi then matures in and infects the eggs laid by shore again.  The bottom line here folks, Codyceps manipulate the motor  skills, senses, and nervous system of living creatures. There is  only one type of fungus for each type of species,the cordycep that attacks ants does not bother bees, the type that goes for dragonflies is harmless to moths... What if there is a Cordycep out there that attacks.. HUMANS?! What would it make us do? Think John Carpenter's They Live, but with fungi exploding out of humans. 

  • These would be constructed reality sets of environments where humans have let themselves be controlled by societal standards of happiness, and conformity, digitally captured but all hand manufactured.


  1. Great job Ashleigh! One thing, this entry is supposed to go on the class blog. I just sent you an email about it saying that I invited you. Let me know if you can't accses it. The addy is...

    If everything works out just cut and paste this entry onto that blog. That way both classes will have acsess to your entry.

  2. i WANT that skin disease!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Heh. I don't know if that was an appropriate comment, sorry.
    Good work, lady. I agree with Tom - bug fungi is the best.
